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Limited Time Offer! Ends October 31, 2014
iPhone 6 or 6 Plus case for only $1 + shipping & handling
Almost Nothing™ Case
One of the most popular iPhone cases, so clear and slim it's barely there!
  • Crystal clear, almost invisible
  • Ultra-slim, elegant design
  • Highly scratch resistant
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Receive your exclusive 97% OFF coupon code for the Almost Nothing™ Case
Thank you for participating! Please check your inbox now for an email with your exclusive coupon. You'll find the discount code and a link to order the iPhone 6 Almost Nothing case for $1 plus shipping and handling!
(If you don't find the email, it might be under the "Promotions" tab in Gmail or accidentally routed to your junk mail folder.)
Crystal Clarity
Uninhibited beauty so that all you see is your iPhone
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Scratch Resistant
Scratch-free and scuff-free, so you can stay worry-free
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Almost Nothing™ Case
Other Cases
Over time with normal use
As close to nothing as you can get with a case
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BoxWave $1 iPhone 6 Case Sale Terms and Conditions

Offer valid until October 31, 2014. Offer not to be combined with any other discount. BoxWave and its employees reserve the right to cancel this promotion at any time and for any reason. One code redemption per household. Duplicate orders will be subject to cancellation. Subscription to BoxWave newsletter required to receive code. While supplies last.

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